Lumley Beach

Lumley Beach

It’s been a tough two weeks, but I finally sense some calmness rolling through. Work has been hectic – there is so much to do, and I have had to travel up country frequently. I had also frantically been trying to put the finishing touches on our house and get the generator installed so that…

Renovating our home.

Renovating our home.

I had NO intentions of becoming a builder, but here I am, deep in building construction! When we decided to move to Freetown, we weighed all the pros and cons of different living arrangements. Should we move in with my Dad? He lived in a massive house with a huge yard – the kids would…

Driving in Freetown.

Driving in Freetown.

I conquered one of my biggest fears today – driving in Freetown. Driving in Freetown is not for the faint of heart – and my heart is very faint – so faint, it can barely generate a pulse! The city is congested – there are cars, Okadas (motorcycle taxis), a new 3-wheeled contraption that I…